Zander's Four Weeks Old!
Zander's four weeks old today. Isn't he adorable?! He's gotten so big already. We are ecstatic! We went to Petsmart and bought him a puppy Kong, a red adult Kong, and a kong biscuit ball. We went Kong CRAZY!!! Also, we went to Costco and bought him a huge brown and Gold bed that is verrrrrrrrrry comfortable, I know this from personal experience. :) We bought two current dog training books that both focus on the reward training method. We also bought Dr Ian Dunbar's video, Sirius Puppy Training. It is very informative and entertaining. (I'm a sucker for a British dog lover! LOL) It's times like these when I can't understand people who just leave their small, malnourished, overbreed Boston Terrier in a yard full of weeds without any love and attention. These people are the reason why there's a need for The American Society for the Prevention Of Cruelty to Animals.
He has changed so much! What a cutie.
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