Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Only 3 Days Left To Go!!!!

I can't believe we will be holding Zander in exactly 3 days!
Last night we went to Petsmart and compared all the ingredients on every bag of puppy dog food. After about two hours we decided upon Authority Harvest Baked Chicken Puppy Dog Food. It has the fewest ingredients and no by-products. Let me just say that if I were starving and I could choose to eat any dog food I would choose this one. We also bought about 8 Kong to stuff and entertain him. We also found this really great foot long blanket that has this barley pouch that you put in the microwave to heat up and sooth the dog. Everything else is ready. We even have his training classes all lined up for when he turns 12 weeks old. He was just neutered last Thursday, that way it is taken care of and he can get his stitches taken out tomorrow before the trip. We can't wait!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Only 11 Days To Go!!

OMG!!! We only have 11 days left before we get to pick up Zander! We are spending all our time watching training videos and reviewing what we have learned about socializing and housebreaking. We have all his stuff ready. We have his kennel, Kong, food, and every thing else we may ever need for the next ten years!!!! Here is Zander's latest picture,he is 7 weeks old. I cannot wait!! This

Wednesday night at 6:30 we will be observing a puppy training class that we are considering enrolling Zander in. We will be taking a lot of notes so we can evaluate her training abilities. We hope it works out for the best!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Zander's Six Weeks Old

Isn't Zander painfully cute? We were kind of TO'ed because we didn't get to see a full body shot this week. If you've seen Napoleon Dynamite you'd get what I just wrote. He looks less curly but that's ok. If you look at the picture you can tell that someone is having to hold him so he'll stay still long enough to take the picture. Can you believe that he is coming home in less than three weeks? We have a lot of stuff to get ready in that short amount of time. In about one week Dyane will send us a packet with all his information and a sample of his food in it. We want to get him right now but its a good thing we don't have him right now because we are all so sickkkkkkkkkk! Hopefully we will be well by the time we get him.

Friday, February 10, 2006

New picture!

We recieved a new picture of Zander. He is so curly now. When we first chose our puppy we had a choice between two different males. One was lighter in color, but looked like he was going to be curlier than the other. The other had more auburn fur, and longer legs. We decided to go with the lighter curlier one. After about three weeks it looked as if ours was going to have straighter fur. This was a great disapointment for us because we wanted a dog with a bit more poodle in his fur, the poodle would help with our allergies. Now that he's five weeks he has turned out to be much curlier then any of the other dogs. Isn't he cute?!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Pet Edge Rocks!!!

My mom and sister just discovered the miracle of shopping for dog stuff online. She received a flyer in her inbox for Pet Edge's weekly sale. They went crazy!! At the end of twenty minutes they had gotten :
1. 2 sets of dog boots in 2 different sizes
2. 20 oz bag of greenies
3. 2 huge Kong
4. A houndstooth leash and collar set
5. An engraved brass name tag
6. An Irish knit sweater
7. A pair of Doggles sunglasses
8. Elevated set of dog bowls
9. A grooming arm
10. Tooth paste and toothbrush
11. A 20 oz tub of freeze-dried liver treats
12. Styptic nail gel.
13. A tan faux suede coat
We got all of that for a third of the price it would cost at Petsmart or Petco. We'll need all this stuff within the first year of Zander's life. So for all of you future pet owners, remember to at least check out www.petedge.com. You won't be sorry.