Monday, February 20, 2006

Only 11 Days To Go!!

OMG!!! We only have 11 days left before we get to pick up Zander! We are spending all our time watching training videos and reviewing what we have learned about socializing and housebreaking. We have all his stuff ready. We have his kennel, Kong, food, and every thing else we may ever need for the next ten years!!!! Here is Zander's latest picture,he is 7 weeks old. I cannot wait!! This

Wednesday night at 6:30 we will be observing a puppy training class that we are considering enrolling Zander in. We will be taking a lot of notes so we can evaluate her training abilities. We hope it works out for the best!


At February 22, 2006 6:54 PM, Blogger Mommy P said...

Now the countdown really begins!

Oh, Tallulah is not very curly [which is what we wanted] but in the three weeks we have had her, she has not shed a hair!

Good luck!


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