Friday, March 24, 2006

Trip to the Vet

Yesterday we took Zander to the vet for his third set of shots. It was really crowded because it was vaccine day, where all vaccines are half price. In the waiting room there were two women with a Beagle/Shepard mix and a Dalmation. The dogs were scared, but instead of acting matter of fact and dominant, they nurtured this behavior by saying, "Oh, poor puppy, he's gonna get an owie." I wanted to tell everyone to watch the dog whisperer on National Geographic Channel. Zander weighed 19.25 lbs. at the vet. That means he gained another 2 lbs. since monday. On wednesday we start puppy training classes. We are very exited. The pictures won't load so I'll try again later.


At March 24, 2006 1:41 PM, Blogger Mommy P said...

Man! Tallulah is only 15 lbs at 15 weeks. But she was only a little over 5lbs at 8 weeks. :)
You are going to have one big, beautiful goldendoole.


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